What happens during a newborn photoshoot?
Relax and take it easy!
When you have decided to have your newborn photo session with Marietta Photography in Hertford a lot of you – quite rightly – would like to know what exactly is going to happen during a newborn shoot, and why does it takes so much longer than a normal baby or family photo session?
So today I have been writing more about these type of sessions to help you feel at ease and more comfortable before you arrive to your session and also to remove the curtain to see how those award winning newborn photographs are created.
In fact, see how relaxed you can get during these sessions. Yes, you can see it right. A lot of parents managed to fall asleep knowing that their babies are in my safe hands.

Preparation before the newborn session
When you arrive at the my photography home studio in Hertford, Hertfordshire you will be given a very warm welcome giving you space to settle with your baby as well as taking your shoes and coat off. Soon after I show you around the studio, and bathroom and changing facilities right next to it before you are offered warm tea, coffee and my special hot chocolate.
As you step in the studio you probably notice that it is warmer than in an average home. The reason is that your baby is going to be undressed and needs to be kept warm. As for the parents even on very cold days try to dress in many light layers that you can easily take off.
Then we sort out the necessary paperwork and discuss the colour theme, prop and for girls headband and tieback options.
Although I nicely ask parents via email to feed their babies in the studio before we start the session but sometimes due the baby’s routine it is not possible but we still top them up before we begin.
As soon as baby has been fed I take over by swaddling them first and placing them in or around my props. Once however I start swaddling your baby I slightly lower the temperature always keeping an eye your newborn’s safety which is my key priority. Then I start photographing them.
Sometimes babies don’t instantly fall asleep but as long as they are content I still take some very gorgeous and sometimes very cheeky open-eyed photographs.

How to make it unique
For each setup I do I will take a lot of photographs for your full gallery of around 20 images so I will end up with a variety of images.
As for the colour scheme I always try to keep it simple but most importantly consistent which is very important for the final look in case you opt in for your album package.
I use soft fabrics that are soft to touch and cosy for the newborns and also the colours are close to skin tones and mainly earthy tones such as woodland green, mustard yellow, rusty red or coffee brown.

Family time at the end of the photo session
Once I have captured those adorable prop setups I move the baby to the beanbag to get those beautiful curled up, sleepy photos and if we are lucky and your baby is a very sleepy one I attempt to move them into a froggy pose which is one of the most popular one but unfortunately not all babies are up for it.
I usually do the parents, family and also the sibling images at the end of the session. If your older child is in toddler age or would find it difficult to sit through a 3-4 long newborn session I suggest to make sure to bring them for only to the end of the shoot or if it is easier then to the beginning of the session. In those cases I do these family photographs at the start of the newborn photo session.

Finishing touches
Once you have returned home the next phase starts which only applies to me. This is the editing. This part however is also very important and lot of parents don’t even realise that it can take double or in some cases triple the amount of time than a 3-4 hours long newborn session.
To see those beautiful finished images please visit my newborn gallery.
I do manipulate my images but only to that extent that you and your baby stay natural looking but red skin, milk spots, flakes etc. are removed and of course the parent’s supporting hands from composite images which would not have been created without your help, yet as I mentioned previously the baby’s safety is my utmost priority.